Saturday, September 6, 2008

*Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.*

I personally found the section on the five cannons of rhetoric to be very interesting and full of detailed information on how speakers would form and present their arguments.
The first cannon, invention, states that speakers must shape their arguments to fit their audience and persuade them toward their side by using proof (ethos, pathos and logos).
The second cannon, style, states that how a speaker uses their words can be used to instruct, please, or persuade an audience. In ancient Greece the use of figurative language was a common stylistic preference.
The third cannon, arrangement, states that every speech needs a structure in order to be presented to an audience. This structure usually consists of an introduction, body, and a conclusion.
The fourth cannon, memory, states that a speakers ability to remember all vital information and formation of a speech is vital to success. In ancient Greece, which practiced an oral tradition, one's memory was often a prized possession for anyone interested in philosophy, pubic speaking or politics.
The fifth and final cannon, delivery, states that the tone a speaker uses to present their words is also very important. The way an audience interprets a speakers tone can either draw them closer to the topic or push them away.

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