Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week #16 Question #3

Pick one other concept in the book that you feel needs further discussion? (You can choose from ANY chapter in the book).

As communication is a very powerful tool which has been used throughout human history to alter the course of events, I thought that a section or chapter dedicated to the ethical use of speech would have been interesting. Within this section, a portion dedicated toward cultural perception of speech and its uses would also have been helpful. As the world becomes more and more globalized as each day passes it becomes vitally necessary that we learn to communicate beyond cultural bounds. In order to do this an ethical or open mided (non-ethnocentric) use of communication must be employed in order to ensure the maximum effect of information relay. A section on the implications of the use of new media forms without regulations and restrictions would have also been very interesting and would have been a good addition to the book.

Week #16 Question #2

What concept's in this class have you found most interesting? What was it about that concept's that you found interesting?

I would have to say that I found the most interesting concepts covered within the class to be tose that dealt with communication within the new realm of the Internet. The ability for people to have absolute access to information, create virtual worlds, and assume and anonymous and face-less identity are all issues which we as a society are becoming more aware of day by day. I found this concept interesting because I have experience with people who have completely dedicated their lives to living within an online world. Their motivations, and the factors that allow such access, have always been things that have fascinated me. There is nothing wrong with playing games; I am myself an avid gamer. When the game, however, takes the core identity of an individual and becomes their living motiviation...that is where problems arise and addiction sets in. A couple years ago I jokingly came up with a slogan for friends of mine who were addicted to online gaming. Now, more than ever, that slogan rings true: "LIVE IRL" (in real life)

Week #16 Question #1

(Regarding Chapter 13) Which of the research methods listed in Table 13.3 seem the most interesting? Assume you want to study some aspect of deception. Frame a research question. Which method would you choose to answer the question. Why?

As a Cultural Anthropology major the most interesting research method to me is that of ethnography. By observing behavior within its environment one is able to gain a deeper understanding of the motives of that observed individual. By following the ethnographic process one is hopefully able to avoid ethnocentric analysis as cultural emersion may help change perspective. By taking ethnography one step further, through participant observation, one is truly able to gain some direct knowledge of what it is to be a person of the observed culture. If I were asking the research question "How does Japanese culture commend and condone deception within its modern society? ethnography would be my method of choice. By living with and observing integrated members of Japanese society, along with how they and members of their social networks interact, one could then use that data to answer.