Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week #9 Question #3

*Pick one concept from the assigned readings that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

I found the section on Culture and Goals, especially the examination of effort-optimism, to be very interesting. I have always known that many people around the world view American work ethic as a little "over the top" (I especially learned this living in Mexico for 2 years where things were a bit slower paced). While the section notes that different societies may express effort-optimism in different ways (poor cultures strive for success through hard work while wealthy cultures look for immediate and effortless gratification), I believe that both of these models, and many others, can be found with in the United States and can be used to explain why people are motivated to dedicate so much time and effort to certain ventures. I do disagree with the section, however, when it states that differences in work ethic attitude are based upon the ability of one to achieve higher social mobility. It almost seems to me to imply that the rest of the world is lazy because they are poor/developing...even though I know that's not what the author meant.

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