Friday, November 14, 2008

Week #12 Question #1

· How are organizations tied to the environment? What is the relationship between the school you attend and the city or town in which it is situated? What, if any, ethical obligations does an organization like a college or university have to the local community?

Organizations are tied to the environment in many ways. They are tied to a social environment because they are composed of people who live unique lives and interact within society. Organizations are also tied to political environments as many times an organization's motivations may be politically based. Organizations are also tied to the natural environment (local and global ecosystem) because any means and mode of production produces some sort of waste by product which in turn effects the stability of the natural environment. Organizations must realize that they are not only effected by environmental factors but also may have a hand in the cause. The relationship between SJSU and the city and people of San Jose is a good one I believe. SJSU provides numerous services to the citizens of San Jose and is also a well respected university. Members of SJSU are also known to take action within the local San Jose community. SJSU is also the site of many city/community events held for the citizens of San Jose. I also believe that as SJSU grows larger and its alumni pool continues to grow the relationship between SJSU and San Jose can only grow stronger. I believe that a university has the ethical obligation to attempt to conduct research and community action within the community in which the university is situated. It is one thing for a school to focus on graduating its students, but for a school to focus on building the community which it is a part of is, I believe, a keystone of academia.

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