Friday, November 7, 2008

Week #11 Question #2

*Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

I found the section in the text on self-disclosure to be very interesting. I am aware of the concept of self-disclosure and have often heard of it used in business terms (especially in the case of a whistle blower). In personal matters, however, self-disclosure is a very rare thing to come across in a culture which promotes to growth of the individual over all else. I also found the following sub-section of rules for disclosing information to be quite interesting as well. When I first read the section title I must admit I thought the only step to self-disclosure was honesty in one's statement but I soon came to the realization that there are many spheres of interaction involved in self disclosure which may effect others and situations in different ways. The section on responding to self-disclosure was also informative as often times self-disclosed information can be very private or shocking in nature.

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