Saturday, November 22, 2008

Week #13 Question #3

· Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

I found the section on Increased Surveillance as a characteristic of new media to be very interesting. Technology does allow us to perform more tasks and essentially make life easier. Technology is, hence the name, very technical and hard to understand. This is demonstrated whitin the section when they speak of internet monitoring devices such as cookies. The average internet user would be very unlikely to know what a cookie actually was, thus allowing those in control of technology to continue their monitoring tactics. For any company whose interest is to make money, it is obviously within their best interest to monitor customers and potential customers to ensure the efficiency of the whole working system. This is also true for governments. Keeping and eye on the people and being a step ahead is a governmental must. The ethics behind these practices, however, are what is to question. While the methods may be proven, do the ends justify the means?

1 comment:

Sara said...

I think that it definitely holds true that those who understand technology and know how to use definitely have the power in this day and age. Because so many things depend on new technology and so few people understand it the ones that do understand can get away with almost anything they want without being questioned. this is because most people just assume that those that know what they are doing with technology are doing what is best for the rest of us, however, that is definitely not always the case. that it why it is so important for everyone to keep themselves, at least, just a little informed with the latest technology.