Saturday, November 8, 2008

Week #11 Question #3

*Which pattern (rigid complementarity, competitive symmetry, or submissive symmetry) do you think would be the most difficult to change? Why? Which would be the most damaging to a relationship? Which would be the most potentially damaging to the self-esteem of the individuals involved?

I believe the hardest pattern to change would be that of competitive symetry. To attempt to change two overly competative people who are constantly in a struggle to prove something over the other would be extremely difficult I believe. I also believe this to be harder to change because it is natural human instinct to be competitive and society as a whole condons and sanctions such competition. I believe the most damaging pattern to a relationship would be that of rigid complementarity because that leads to resentment held by one or both memebers of the relationship toward the other partner. It is hard seeing a relationship continue when the role one plays is hated. I believe that the submisive symetry pattern would be most damaging to a persons self esteem because a person caught in this pattern does not view their opinions or desires as having worth. It may also be that even being able to make a decision is to much for a person in the submissive symetry pattern.

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